Saturday, August 14, 2010

Where have we been?!

I can't believe it's been almost two months since we posted! This is mainly due to me starting a new job and finishing up summer school courses for grad school. Now that the job in underway and I have a breather for a few weeks before the fall semester starts, this is a good time to recap what the Muir family has been up to!

For the 4th of July we headed to Tahoe City where we rented a house to watch the fireworks right on the lake and enjoyed playing and sunbathing in the mid 80 degree fresh air. After a few days of relaxing we headed home to unpack, wash clothes, head to the waterpark at the fountains and then repack to head back to The Village at Squaw and The Village at Northstar in Tahoe for my 30th birthday!

We had a lot of fun, relaxed, hiked and ate some fantastic food. Mimi and Brent joined us the last two days, but unfortunately our camera broke so we weren't able to capture any pictures from my birthday or many with them. Here are a few of our favorites we were able to get before the camera broke!

Jackson rocking out to the band

Hiking and crying--this was a lot of fun!

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