Monday, April 21, 2008

7 months of absolute cuteness!!

The cutest profile

We are in trouble

Love walks with mom and dad

That profile again..

DJ Jack with his new sunglasses

I know, we can't believe he is 7 months either! It seems like yesterday when we were so excited that Jackson could do tummy-time for 5 minutes. Now--if only we had 5 minutes!! He is crawling like crazy, pulling himself up on whatever he gets his hands on and enjoying walks facing frontwards in his stroller.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Two little monkeys!

What a big boy

Lets go..

Bye, mom..

So stinkin' cute

We have a lot of business going on in our house! Jackson has been sitting up for about a month, but in the last couple of weeks has started to scoot on his bottom, pull himself up and within the last week has started crawling! We can not believe it and are not so sure we are ready for it yet! :) We have included a few of his most recent pictures.