Sunday, March 8, 2009

Dadda's 20k Trail Race

We loaded up the family Audi and headed to Marin County for Dadda's latest trail race. We enjoyed a beautiful weekend in Larkspur Landing where we ate great food, had awesome weather and relaxed at our hotel. Jackson really enjoyed talking, dancing and singing to himself in the full-length mirrors in our hotel room.

Pete did so well on his race that he finished in just under 2 hours. He said the race was "beautiful" and was able to see redwoods, ferns and water falls. Pete ran with his buddy Jamie and they both finished around the same time. Jackson and mama were cheering them on at the finish line.

Enjoy these pictures!

Dadda before the race

Dadda finished in under 2 hours...go dadda!!

Jamie and Dadda

Proud of our Dadda