Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sonoma County

Living in Sacramento has pros and cons but one definite pro is being so centrally located to quite a few fantastic vacationing spots. Sonoma County is less than two hours from our house and it offers a variety of activites, adventures and fun for our little family.

This last weekend we spent time in Healdsburg where we drank fantastic wine, ate great food and shopped around at some great little shops. On Sunday Jackson insisted that he needed to see SAND!!!!!! We tried to redirect and distract him with other options but he wouldn't let it go. So, we took a 30 minute drive from our hotel in Santa Rosa to Bodega Bay for an afternoon of sand castle building, running, shoveling and goofing around. When the rain started in, we headed to Lucas Wharf and enjoyed a fantastic lunch right on the water.

This weekend was also my grandmother's surprise 80th birthday so we were able to get a lot done in one trip. We not only learned that Jackson has a new found love for sand, but is also OBSESSED with hotel rooms. He enjoyed looking, talking and making faces at himself in the full length mirrors, lounging (and eating) in big comfy beds surrounded by mounds of pillows and talking to his "boss" on the phones in our room.

Enjoy the pictures!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Just Goof'in around

We definitely have a character on our hands--possibly even a future career in acting and we try to capture these performances either in picture or video as much as possible. Here are a few of our favorite goof-ball pictures from the last few weeks.

Acting like Ray Charles

Wonder where he learned this from?!