Monday, July 27, 2009

Jackson's "Nan-Nan"

With all of this blogging going on about Jackson, we thought it might be a good idea to post a few pictures of our first "baby"--Mishka. Pete and I decided when living in a one bedroom apartment in Davis about 7 years ago that it would be a great idea to go to the pound and adopt an animal. Something small like a weiner dog or a cat would have been appropriate and way too easy. We, on the other hand, chose a fully grown yellow lab who suffered from separation anxiety and an identity crisis.

Someone dropped Mishka off in a night box without identification tags or any information. The instant we saw her we both fell in love. After bringing her home to our 680 sqft apartment, Pete and I searched the internet for name ideas. There was a lot of discussion over her name but, we ultimately settled on Mishka (Mee-shka). Although, Hannah was my first option and the real reason why 7 years later that Jackson calls her his "Nan-Nan".

If you know me or my family you understand that our animals--and now kids, have numerous names, none of which sound or resemble anything close to their real name. "Nan", was my shortened version of Hannah and made me somewhat feel like I got my way in naming her.

Nan is awesome with Jackson and puts up with him tugging on her ears, running his bull-dozer over her belly and yelling at her at least twice a day. He insists that when he is eating that she needs to sit by him only to watch him eat and not to partake. Although, she does appreciate the cheerios and gold-fish crackers that he leaves all over the house.

She is a lazy, over-weight dog who has bad breath and gets into mischief--or the garbage at least a couple of times a month...but, she is our NAN-NAN and we love her!!!!

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